Our digital footprints define who we are online. In this
digital era, with most kids and teens having social media accounts, parents
and guardians constantly remind children to be positive online influencers.
But are your kids aware of such thing as a digital footprint? If
not, it is about time that they are educated about this.
What is a digital footprint?
When visiting a website, have you noticed a statement, which
usually appears at the bottom of the page, that informs you that the site uses
cookies? Websites use cookies to obtain important information about those who
visit their sites. This information is the digital footprint of the visitor.
Some websites don’t have these notifications, but they do
keep your vital information. Whatever website you visit, you leave behind your
digital footprint.
What information are obtained?
Aside from the obvious, which are your photos, videos,
comments and other posts, you also leave behind information that are not
visible to the naked eye unless you are the website's administrator.
For one, the website will get your IP address, which is
a very important information because it is your computer's ID on world wide web.
Other vital data obtained include your computer or mobile device specs, operating system, browser used, language preferences, advertising
ID and the pages you visited.
If the website requires you to give a mailing address, email or
mobile number, and you entered these, it will be part of your footprint.
Companies use this information to find out who are the
people who visit their websites and monitor their market reach. These will help
them enhance their products and services and enable them to customize these to suit
their market’s online interests and preferences.
Why is it important to teach kids and teens about their
digital footprints?
Kids and teenagers are now constantly glued to social media
platforms, posting and leaving comments without much thought. These actions leave
digital footprints that will be forever recorded on the websites even if they
would later delete these posts.
We got two teens at home, my niece and nephew who both have Facebook
and Instagram accounts. My nephew also recently created a YouTube channel since
taking videos has become a hobby. Another niece who is only 8 years old is not
allowed to have social media accounts but is a big fan of YouTube.
I constantly tell them to be careful on what to post, like or
comment since these will show the world what kind of persons they are. It was only
recently that I informed them about digital footprints to make them extra cautious.
I explain that these platforms serve as a documentary of their life and should
be a positive influence to their followers or subscribers, thus, they will be able to spread goodness and make people happy.
We are all Globe mobile users at home and so we are happy to
note that the telecom company advocates the responsible use of social media and
the net with its #makeItsafePH campaign under its CyberPinoy cyber wellness
program. Being an authority in the digital lifestyle, Globe Telecom aims to educate
consumers on the responsible use of the net, cybersecurity and how not to be a victim of online threats.
You can also be an advocate. Start at
home. Educate yourself and your entire family about digital footprints, its
importance and how to keep yourselves safe online.
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