Free sports training for kids at Iloilo City Sports Academy

Great news for aspiring athletes! Iloilo City Sports Academy (ICSA) is offering free training for kids aged 5-15 in various sports.

The initiative was launched by Mayor Jerry Treñas and overseen by the Iloilo City Sports Development Division.

This program opens doors for kids who might not otherwise be able to afford sports training. It lets them discover their talents, excel in their chosen sport, stay healthy, and learn valuable life lessons that come with playing sports.

This also serves as a training ground for gifted athletes whose potential is assessed to determine whether they can advance to national competitions.

To join, kids must be city residents, in good health, and with their parents' consent.

Sports that are being offered include Volleyball, Badminton, Sepak Takraw, Arnis, and Chess at YMCA Gym; Football at La Paz Plaza Football Field; Lawn Tennis at La Paz Plaza Tennis Court; Athletics at Jalandoni Memorial National High School, Lapuz; and Boxing and Wushu at Cage Boxing Gym, San Rafael, Mandurriao.

City Hall has tapped certified trainers and coaches to teach the children. Those interested in joining may register at SM City Iloilo or at the Iloilo City Sports Development Division Office of Iloilo City Hall.

They can also inquire through the Iloilo City Sports Development Division Facebook page. (PR)
